Thursday, January 29, 2015

We could be in the circus!

Today my friends were practicing balancing their noodles 
on the palms of their hands in Phy. Ed...TRICKY!

 Look at this friend balance it on ONE finger!! AMAZING!

They also launched their rockets!
But they had to try to catch them so the rockets would have a safe landing...

Thank you Mrs. Lill!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How do Penguins Sleep?

 How do Penguins Sleep?
Here we are showing Miss Jessica how we think penguin sleep...

Lying down or Standing up?
We went inside to do a little research...
What did we discover?
Some penguins sleep standing up and some sleep lying down!
Penguins don't sleep for long periods... it's more like short naps.
They can even sleep in the water!

There is so much to learn!!

To be a Penguin...

Getting ready to slid on our bellies like penguins...Tobogganing!

 How do penguins stay warm? 
Penguin Huddle!
(And also that layer of fat they have!)

Trying to waddle while carrying a penguin egg!
Where do dads hold the eggs?
Ask your child!

Literacy Stations!

Reading to the class! : )

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Decomposing with Number Bonds!
Ask your child what the word decomposing means. 
(To break apart)
 How will this group of 5 decompose themselves?
Into a group of 2 and a group of 3
2 + 3 = 5
 How will they decompose the Number 9?
A group of 4 and a group of 5!
4 + 5 = 9
 After a few more we all had a turn with our own Number Bond!