Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Visit to the Fire Station!

One of our friends helping Firefighter Dean demonstrate STOP, DROP, and ROLL!

Firefighters boots have steel plate on the top to protect their toes.
 We can step on their feet and they won't feel a thing!

Firefighter showing us what they might look like if they were looking for people in a house. 

Talking with Firefighter Dean!

WOW!  We loved looking at all the trucks!

We even got the chance to climb up into one of the trucks!

Firefighters have a lot of  tools!

The Pumper Truck!

What are we looking at?
Here it is!
This is where they hang the hoses to dry after they have been washed!

We want to thank Firefighter Dean and all the other firefighters who helped out today!

What a fun day!
(Ask us some of the fire safety rules we learned)

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