Saturday, November 8, 2014

Pirate Day- Aarrgghh!!

Why do pirates wear Eye patches?
Here are some of our ideas...
We did a little experiment to see if it maybe one reason could be so that they 
could see better in the dark and wouldn't have to wait for their eyes to adjust.

We put the eye patch on one eye and when we flipped the lights out we quick took the eye patch off and guess what ... we could see right away!
When we didn't have the eye patch it took a few seconds for us to be able to see.

Parrot Parrot on my head
Repeat the numbers that I just said.
Mix them up
and straighten them out.
When your done
Just give a shout!

Our "parrot" checked to see if we were able to get the numbers in order!

Write the Room Sight Words - Pirate Style!

 Look at those Pirate Faces!

What is a Pirate's Favorite Sight Word?
Are! (Aarrgghh!)

 How would you feel if you found a buried treasure?
 Can you tell how we would be feeling?How can you tell?

Looking for the treasure! 
(A pirate took the sight word "are" from our word wall because he lost his "AARRGGHH!"
His note said he hide it in a treasure chest somewhere in our room!

 Pirate Booty!

What is a Pirate's Favorite Letter?   -R
What is a Pirate's Favorite Word?  -are

A couple more added by a couple of "smARt" Kindergarten Friends:
What is a Pirate's Favorite thing to eat?  -ARby's!
What is a Pirate's Favorite planet?  -mARs!

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