Tuesday, December 3, 2013

More Snow Investigations - Inside?!?!

Building snowmen to measure!
We used "teamwork" to build with a partner!

 Look at our snowmen!

 Aren't our snowmen AMAZING creations!
Most of us had never built a snowman inside before!

Now that they are built it's time to measure to see how many cubes tall they are and record that measurement on our papers.
 Most of our snowmen were between 11 and 15 cubes tall.

Next, we made predictions.
How tall do you think your snowman will be when you come back from lunch?
We recorded our predictions on our papers as well.

This is what a couple looked like within the first 30 minutes!

They just kept melting and melting and melting!
Here is what they looked like after lunch!
Most were only 1-3 cubes tall.

Our trays were FILLED with Water.
We then understood why we couldn't bring this project home!

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