Tuesday, December 3, 2013


We went outside the see what discoveries we could make.
How does snow look, feel, sound, smell, and taste?

Snow Angels!

 Using a magnifying glass!
One friend said the snow looked more "sparkly" with a magnifying glass!

Is it hard to run through the snow?
We discovered some snow was more "crunchy" and some snow was "softer."
(One friend realized that this was because someone had plowed the sidewalk and the "crunchy" snow from that.)


Here are some of the words/phrases we thought of to describe snow when we came back inside:
 -wet, cold, sparkly, white, crunchy, beautiful, fun, hard, quiet, nice, pretty, slippery, yummy, tasty, sticky, good, soft, good for forts, used for snowmen, falls from the sky, fun to play in, a building material. = SNOW

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