Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Camping Week!

Picnic Lunch!

Roasting Marshmallows over the Campfire!

 Writing the Room - Camping Version! 
("There's a skunk in our tent!")

What would a camping week be without S'mores?!

Painting Day - but not on Paper!

 Minion Art by the talented Mrs. Nelson!  

My favorite quote during this activity, "I LOVE this, it's like a DREAM!"

Slippery, Slimy, Fizzy, Foamy Day - Inside!

First, a little messy food challenge - find all 5 M & M's hidden in our pudding! (No hands!)


Then, off to some MESSY centers!


Shaving Cream FUN!

Spaghetti Painting!

Fizzy Explosions!

Cloud Dough!
 The sink was a BUSY PLACE today!

Slippery, Slimy, Fizzy Foamy Day - Outside!

Painting with our feet!

And of course, the Pop Geyser!!

Anticipating the eruption!  LOVE their faces!

Pure JOY!

Friday, May 16, 2014


WOW!  We saw and did so many amazing things in Hawaii today!

Hula Dancing!

 We saw crabs!

 We saw MANY kinds of fish!

 Of course, there was SEAWEED! 

We also saw: 
Sharks, Sea Turtles, Whales, and a Volcano to name a few!

We went para-sailing, fishing and snorkeling!

One last picture before we had to get back on the plane to return to school!