Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Countdown to the last day - Dino Eggs!

If you haven't heard, we have balloons in our room!
There is one for each remaining day of school.  
Each day we pop one and inside we find a special activity to do that day!

 Today- "Let's get Messy and make some dinosaur eggs!"
 Can you tell by the looks on some of our faces that some of us didn't enjoy putting 
their hands in the flour paste!?

 The eggs are now drying so we can move onto step 2!

Here are a couple of Miss Jessica and Mrs. Nelson's favorite quotes from this activity:
"This is NOT a girl project!" 
(Needless to say this sweet girl did not like the idea of getting messy!)
"My hands are as messy as a hot potato on a teeter-totter!"  (haha)

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