Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our Caterpillars!

When the caterpillars arrived Miss Jessica had to carefully transfer each TINY caterpillar to a separate containers using the end of a small paintbrush.
The caterpillars were not easily convinced they wanted to leave their home.
There were 40 caterpillars in that small container!

Over the next week they grew very quickly!

 Between Day 8 and 10 they began to hang in their J shape from the tops of the containers!

All 40 caterpillars are now inside their chrysalis and we are waiting patiently for them to emerge!
We think the first ones should emerge by the end of this week!

Did you know that ALL 40 of them have names?
Here they are:
(Each child has their own caterpillar so they first 18 names they each picked for thier caterpillar- they know their caterpillars number.  The others we picked as a group!)
1: Buzzly 2: Bella  3: Star  4: Free  5: Lyla  6:Sam  7: Lily  8: Amy  9: Starlight  10: Joy
11: Zooee  12: Angie  13: Max  14: Toto  15: Alice  16. Rambo  17: Rose  18: Ellin
19: Cute  20: Cappy  21: Fuzzy  22: Cutie  23: Little  24: Silk  25: Blackie  26: KC
27: Dotty  28: Eli  29: Porky  30: Chad  31: Cutie Patootie  32: JoJo  33: Mike
34: Nellie  35: Thunder  36: Cacoon Lady  37: Ally  38: Holly  39: Sammy  40: Cocoa

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