Monday, October 6, 2014

P is for PUMPKINS!

We began our week of pumpkin explorations today!
A HUGE Thank you to Jim and Anna Mae Ruud for donating a pumpkin to each 
Kindergartner in our class!

Pumpkin Math
 Measuring the circumference of our pumpkins!

Measuring the height of our pumpkins with linking cubes!

Pumpkin Writing!
We practiced writing letters, words and numbers on our pumpkins today - we had so much fun writing on something other than paper!!
 This friend sounded out the word apple on her pumpkin!

 Proud Kindergarten Writers!

Our friend wrote her numbers around and around her pumpkin all the way to 100!
Her hand was very tired after all that work!

 Hard Workers!

 P is for Pumpkin!

 Kindergarten friends, what word did our friend write on her pumpkin?

"Miss Jessica, I wrote FREE on my pumpkin!"

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