Thursday, October 2, 2014

Prairie Wetlands Field Trip!

Our visit to the Prairie Wetlands with our leader Mr. Dave Ellis!
Mr. Dave gave us a gift today: The gift of showing us how we can use the "tools," that we carry around with us everyday, to explore the prairie!

  Our "tools" - hands, eyes, nose and ears!!
Listening to the crickets!

We found a hole! We thought maybe it was for a mouse or a snake but Mr. Dave said a
thirteen lined ground squirrel lived there!
A GREEN bee!

Using our ears to listen for prairie sounds!

Using our eyes to look at clouds!
 A Walk through the Prairie Grasses!

Finding the earth under the Prairie!

Smelling the Earth!
Mr. Dave asked us what is smelled like, our responses - meatballs and clouds!

Feeling the prairie with our arms, legs, head and backs!

Can you still see us?

 The prairie is now taller than we are!

After we were done we "fluffed" the prairie back up!

 Mr. Dave found a wooly bear caterpillar!

One of our friends returned the caterpillar back to his home - the prairie!

 Another friend returned the ladybug we found to the prairie as well!

 Goodbye Mr. Dave!
Thank you for teaching us about our "tools" 
and helping us to explore the prairie today!

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