Sunday, December 7, 2014

C is for Candy Cane!

Building Candy Cane Letters!
We were great at guessing the letters that our friends built!
We only had two whole candy canes and one that was broke in half to work with - we had to be very creative!

Here are just some of the letters that they came up with!

Sigh Word Candy Canes - Adding "word" stripes to our candy canes!

After our Candy Canes had their stripes then we practiced writing the words!
We have some very neat writers! ( We are working on doing our best work in Kindergarten!)

Candy Cane Science:
What will happen if you put a Candy Cane in Water?
One cup with cold water, one hot, and one warm.
 Look! The stripes start to disappear and the candy cane gets smaller!
 They then decided they would like to taste the water that the candy canes were in...
The consensus, its good. 
"Tastes like water and a little mint!"

Our Candy Canes Taste Graph
How many friends liked candy canes?
How many didn't like them?

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