Sunday, December 7, 2014

Special Delivery!!

We heard a knock on out door!
It was Miss Lisa with a special delivery that she had just received for Miss Jessica's class!

We were so excited! We were hoping it was from Santa and guess what?! It was!
(We wrote him letters the day before asking if we could have an elf on the shelf for our classroom)

 Miss Lisa said she had heard some funny noises so we quick went to the window to see if maybe it could be Santa! We didn't see anything though!

Here we are with our package!

So excited to open it!

 When we opened it, there was no elf in the box!
(can you see our sad faces?)
But wait, read the letter!
 We set off in search of our elf,  He was very hard to find!

 But eventually, we found him!!

 Can you see him?
 Our elf left us a special project.
We had to plant peppermint kisses in the flour, add some magic sprinkles, and then...

 blow LOTS of kisses at them!!
Ask your child what had grown when we checked it the next day!
(I forgot to take a picture!)

Here are all of the names that we came up with for our elf! This is a VERY CREATIVE class!
We voted and SKIT won!!

Stay tuned for more about Skit!

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